Monday, July 25, 2011

Celebrity Life/Normal Life...The (Dis)Connect

Amy Winehouse:  Dead at 27
"they tried to make me go to rehab 
and i said"
Amy Winehouse~Rehab

A life gone too soon.  All of the signs were there.  Everyone knew she was acting out.  Were people asleep?  Thought it was just all part of the rock and roll image.  Heck, isn't that what rockers do?

Although i am sad that a life is lost, I do have a problem with death that could have been prevented.  Life that could have been salvaged.  

You mean, no one in her support system was not ballsy enough to stand up and insist she get cleaned up?  Or were so many people mainly concerned about her money and not concerned enough about her?

That is the way it goes.  

When you are famous, you have to be particularly careful.  Careful of your circle--who is going to be down for you at your best and at your worst.  And when you are at your worst, will those people turn away the money, sit you aside and do what's best for you, even if you give them more money to just butt out?  

Money does not excuse stupidly, just increases the chances of it constantly happening.  If you can afford to take the risk, one will keep investing.

But this is not as much about it is about this query:

Why does a celebrity have to put a face on something for it to be a problem?"

There are plenty of regular people out there every day struggling with addiction--to alcohol, to illegal drugs, to prescription drugs.  

When a normal person is constantly hitting the bottle, the person is an alcoholic...a sad case.  Sometimes, the family sits around and jokes about it.  "He is just being him--the life of the party", but rarely does anyone step up to try and intervene to take action.

When a celebrity hits the bottle--throwing wild parties, buying drinks for is the same situation but the person gets a buy because she's rich.  She's treating everyone else; her entourage is getting paid big bucks.  If the money ain't broke, don't fix it.

A regular person gets strung out on heroin, crack, cocaine, meth, etc....she may have lost everything she had and is out on the street.  So many judgment calls; most don't stop to ask how she got there nor go the extra mile to guide this person to the help she needs.  

For many with any type of addiction, it's better to find a release to numb the pain than to deal.

But if she had something or someone strong to fight for let her know that her life is worth living, it could be the extra motivation she needs to get out of her circumstance.

I'm not saying it always pans out that way, but more often than not, no one is willing to take the risk.  She's walked past, not given a second thought.

If a celebrity has a drug problem, it makes news, sometimes even joked about.  Some of the people in the circle are the very ones that keep her supplied.  The more messed up she is, the more those people are ensured they are going to get paid because she's more valuable to them fucked up...tweaked out of her mind.  When folks try to help her, too much negativety is still around; it's like a force field.  

With prescription drugs, it can be just as risky.  Plus it doesn't help if there are doctors willing to do the wrong thing if the price is right.  The Internet also make prescription drugs a little bit too accessible.  And the family or friends who have medication and giving it out to the addicted person is doing nothing but enabling.  You're only prolonging the process of getting well.

Jimi Hendrix~died at 27

Kurt Cobain (also died at 27)
As people, we should not have to have a famous poster child to realize how damaging drug and alcohol abuse can be.  

Nor should we wait until the problem is in our own backyard to address it.  

It's too easy to be in denial, so easy to say, "Not my family, not my culture!"

Particularly with my culture.

Just be aware; the problems of the world are bigger than you.  

Bigger than me.  

We are bound by our condition...don't get so engrossed in your own little bubble.  Never think these things cannot impact you on a closer level.  

Yes, we should mourn, but we also need to take into account how many things or instances of this level could have been prevented but because of denial, turning a blind eye, the concern comes far too late.


PS:  Also, check out this article.  Amy, Kurt, and Jimi were not the only ones who met their unfortunate deaths at the age of 27.

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