Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I saw a very interesting case on Divorce Court today.  The names of the two litigants were Copeland and Ladonna.  Ladonna is dark skinned; Copeland is quite fair skinned.  She wanted $700 for clothes that he bleached because he didn't want her to go out.

You could tell there were major trust issues between them; her lying about going to one state when she went to another; the female he messing with texting the phone...they definitely should have never gotten together.

But the thing that got me was when Ladonna said that Copeland was starting a "race war" between her two kids~~that one had his complexion; the other had her complexion.  That he feels like "lighter" is better.  I put up snippets of it...cause I did a bootleg recording...mainly because I could not believe not only what she said but his reaction to the whole thing.

His response to all this, along with the fact that he was cheesing the whole time as if nothing was wrong with what he was saying, leads me to wonder this:

Are people still color struck?  

I'm not sure what it's called everywhere else, but where I grew up, it was called  Color Struck.

Is lighter automatically appealing?

Like the picture I put on my blog.

Out of all the women shown there, which one is the more appealing to you?  Is it the darker female with strong African features?  Or are you going "Halle Berry...Halle Berry!"

I'm not taking away from any of the women; all of them are beautiful in their own way, but which one immediately shouts, "Beauty" or "I want to date her"?

For those who picked the lighter side, why did you?  Is it because you truly prefer lighter women or because you were conditioned that lighter is more visually appealing?  Are you trying to whiten the bloodline, thinking the lighter the skin tone, the better chances the child will have at success?

I know some of you may think this type of thing isn't still going on now.

But it is.

And it is not just the men who do it; females do it as well.  Some females check out a guy's features, even down to his hair...cause she want her son or daughter to have some good hair.

I'm not hating on folks who have preferences, just make sure that the preference is not based on programming and that you're not passing that programming on to your children.  Although physical slavery ended, we as a people may at times perpetuate the mental slavery--the house negro/field negro complex.  It is too simple to call this preference when it really isn't.  And if one gets too caught up on the outside, you may miss out on a wonderful person on the inside.

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