Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fit On Tracker: Progress Report 8

This machine is a pain in my ass....

Workout Date:  Sunday, August 26th
Time: 8:00-10:20 pm

Warm Up: Leg Lifts

Target Areas:

Machine Used: Fly—I performed 3 sets of 12: 2@30 and 1@50.  I am finding this feels better to me, so I will stay here for now. 

Machine Used: Seated Row—I did 3 sets of 12: 1@40, 1@55, 1@70.  I may adjust to doing 1@40 and 2@55 or 2@55 and 1@70.

Machine Used: Overhead Press—I did 3 sets of 12; 1@10/2@30.  I noticed that this overhead press machine weights are at different increments than the one I normally work out at.  This machine is located next to the Bicep Curl Machine with no bar.  I have to make sure to note it, so it won’t cause too much confusion.

Machine Used: Arm Curl (with bar)—I did 3 sets of 12: 1@30/1@40/1@50.  This, too, was a different machine than the other one with the bar.  I am starting to develop ease with the 30lb. Weights, so I may take those out the equation and do 2@40/1@50 if I get this machine next time.

Machine Used: Arm Extension—I did 2 sets with 40lb. Weights and 1 set with 50lb. Weights.  My comfort level is not quite there with 50 yet, so I will just leave it as the final set.

I used 2 Machines:  Leg Press and Hip Abductor. 

Leg Press-- I did 3 sets of 12: 1@70, 1@90, and then I challenged myself by doing 1@110.  There is a bit of strain on the 110, so I’m not sure if I am quite ready to incorporate that as 1 set by itself.  However, I do think the 1@70 and 2@90 is feasible. 

Hip Abductor—3 sets: 1@90, 1@110, and the challenge of 1@130.  I will stay put for now .

Machine Used:  Lower Back Extension—I was able to do 1@50, 1@70, and impressed myself when I was able to do 1@90.  I will wait a week before funny graduating away from the 50lb. Weights.  I think I have got the hang of them, but I want to make sure.

Abdominals (behind Torso Rotation)—3 sets; 1@30, 1@40, and 1@50.  The 50lb. Weights are still a bit difficult at this stage, so I will drop it to 1@30 and 2@40.

Additional Machines Used:
Torso Twister/Rotation (for working the love handles)—I did 6 sets of 12: 4@70 and 2@90.  I am feeling pretty confident with the 70, but I won’t jump the gun just yet.

Ab Coaster:  3 sets of 12; 40lb. Resistance.

Elliptical—My body is still pretty moody when it comes to this machine.  I was only able to do 3 minutes on it once again.  And this is still on the Quick Start, Level One Mode.

Adjustment:  At what stage do I exercise on the elliptical?  Apparently, the beginning isn’t the answer (or is it and I'm just not being patient enough).  Do I put it in the middle of my core workouts to see if that would be more beneficial?  Or is it best to do it at the end when I normally do my treadmill exercises? 

Guess this calls for some research….

Treadmill:  I have been able to keep my incline at 1.5 but didn’t get past the 3.4mph.  However, I was able to stay on the treadmill for 40.5 minutes, with 35.5 actual exercise and 5 minutes for cooldown.

No Hydromassage bed today; I was called away on an errand just when I was about to get on it.


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