Wednesday, December 15, 2021

31 Days of Journaling: Day 15

This one seemed to fit.

Early AM thoughts while working out:

  • More times than not, I am the only woman in here at this hour, apart from one employee, who may be the manager.
  • There is a man who I deem "Old Faithful". He is always here, usually already working out. When he sees me, he waves and I wave back. We don't know each others' names. What motivates him? Does he ever say, "Screw this," roll over, and go back to sleep? Maybe resting on Saturdays and Sundays is his reward.
  • The gym logo looks better on a sticker than etched into the walls.
  • Is there really a benefit in doing the Hip Abduction exercise in reverse? Or is it one of those activities that Instagram fitness influencers started doing and it caught on?
  • Have you ever thought about sleep but by the time you are in a position to get sleep, the sensation has passed? Just me? Okay.

I am really liking the hair today. Especially the designs in it. The weather held up enough for me to do my walks on my 15 minute and lunch breaks. The effects of Leg Day are starting to kick in.

For January I am contemplating switching my two core walking days. Sometimes it is hard as heck rising early to do my workout. But I do want to still keep it two days back to back to keep with the experiment. Friday and Saturday sound appealing too. Decisions, decisions.

Today we got word that someone else at our office tested positive for COVID. We are wondering if it's that new variant since it made it to New Jersey not too long ago. In any event, more people are pushing for us to return to the hybrid schedule we were on before or make working from home a permanent option for us. If so, I would definitely sign on for that. Why couldn't they have waited a little longer when gas prices were cheaper? #JustSaying

This is one of those days where I don't have much to talk about. Perhaps I will call it extra early to give my body some more sleep and recovery time before tackling my workout for the next day.

Yep, sounds like a plan.

Until next time everyone. Take care and stay safe.


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