Sunday, June 5, 2022

Just Saying: Entry 1


Howdy, everyone! The Unleashed One has arrived, feeling pretty energized from my early morning walk. I hope everyone's June has started out on a high note. As for me, this is the last day of my break before returning to work the next day.

Initially, for my break, I was going to do some driving. Not too lengthy (because the knee specialist has advised against the continuous long-distance driving) but long enough to feel like I was "away". Yet, the way these gas prices are set up was a "no can do". Besides, where I wanted to travel, too many people were populating the area anyway, and I was not in a space to exert energy to be highly social.

I did end up with a sinus infection ... chalk it up to the changes in weather and all of this pollen, I suppose. Yet, my primary doctor wanted me to test to ensure I didn't have COVID-19, due to the spike in cases.

I admit I did get annoyed because it seems like every symptom that pops up equals "the virus". It was more from a place of knowing my body and coming to terms that I have always been prone to sinus infections. And these symptoms mimicked what I associate with sinus infections.

But, to cut down on the chaos (aka "not wanting to go back and forth with her"), I took the test.

And, like I thought, it was negative. I am still on these antibiotics for the sinuses though.

That's not to say that the break was a total wash.

💡 I did get a chance to reorganize my room in preparation for the Telework Pilot next month. All that's left is to get another desk since my current desk is not big enough for the work computer and my personal computer.

💡 I began the process of getting my passport so I'm awaiting the receipt of the book and card. I haven't decided where I will travel to first once I have my passport in hand, but if you have some good ideas for first-time travel/first-time solo travel, I am open to suggestions.

💡 I finally decided on some looks I'm going for during this month ... therefore, I won't be journaling too long today ... because the hair is going to take some time. The only hint I'll give is that it will be colorful.

💡 My mind has become more active with creative ideas and journal topics, hence why I've been around more often. 

On my next break (where I'll have a good stretch of days), I'll be out and about to enjoy the sights. Even if it's just treating myself to a movie like I used to do back in the day. Or look around at an outlet mall or flea market. Or even get lost in nature at the park or in the quiet of a bookstore. Even explore somewhere new or a new eating area I want to try.

Okay, I still have lots more to do today, so I'll end this random recap of my activities and thoughts for now. Take care.

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