Sunday, December 3, 2023

Something Old, Something New (Direction of NLU)


Hello everyone! Can you believe it is December already? Seriously, where did 2023 go, and why was it in such a hurry? 

In any event, I hope everyone is doing well. 

Before anyone asks, I didn't dare go to mingle with the Black Friday crowds (although there wasn't much hoopla, from what I heard from others). It was difficult enough tackling Thanksgiving meal shopping. Almost all of the gifts (for those who will be receiving them) have been purchased. I'm so far ahead of the game, I even have them wrapped and under the tree. There are some stragglers, in the form of gift cards, but I will purchase those closer to the end of this week. I should get my Christmas cards in the mail early with time to spare.

As the title suggests, I'm going to be diving into "Something Old, Something New". 

First, let's start with this think space, No Labels Unleashed.

This space has been around since 2005. Truthfully, it is older than that, because I used to post on Yahoo 360 almost daily. However, I wasn't able to transfer all of my entries, so some thoughts were lost. 

There were instances where I debated retiring the spot but something always brought me back. Perhaps that feeling of journaling ... of having a level of catharsis to assist me in resetting.

Although some individuals have made the movie to vlogging via YouTube and the like, my passion remains with the pen.

Yes, I am appreciative of anyone who visits here and gets something out of my posts. However, my entries have nothing to do with whether I am hoping for anyone to read them. It is a form of self-care, come to think of it. 

With me realizing that it is a form of self-care, I have to cultivate this beneficially.

Oftentimes, when life is more like vinegar than lemonade, No Labels Unleashed gets quiet as opposed to more active. This is the opposite of my original blueprint of this space. At my lowest and at my best, this is my safe space.

To keep visiting my safe space, I have to set aside time. In the past, it would just happen automatically. However, I am incorporating and reintroducing other activities in my life, which means I have to be more intentional with my time.

This brings me to another "Something Old, Something New".

Before, I would already have a mental checklist ready to go and be able to stick with it to the letter, not allowing for any derivations.

Yet, life can throw curves and put chinks in a checklist that thrives on structure.

Now, my process has steps. First, the mental checklist. Second, I write down what can realistically be accomplished that day and put them in order of importance. What doesn't get completed rolls over into the next day, but I always strive to completion of three tasks.

By moving this space up on my hierarchy of Self-Care, there is a greater chance that more entries will be placed in this space. This also means that some entries may be shorter than others. The short ones will benefit those who are short on time or attention span (#ItIsWhatItIs). My deep dives will still be around for those who are accustomed to #VintageUnleashed.

I look forward to this spot re-dedicating itself to its original purpose and blossoming for the remainder of 2023 and beyond.

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